Stone Mountain, Georgia, is home to a 90-foot granite face carving of Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and Confederate President Jefferson Davis. Although there were no Civil War battles near Stone Mountain and none of the men appearing in the carvings were from Georgia. In recent years, with the increased awareness of police brutality against black Americans, the monument has come under immense pressure to be destroyed.
Critical Race Theory has once again become a highly contested topic in the U.S. Over the past few months, some states have been attempting to restrict any form of it from public school systems. In 2020, former President Donald Trump instructed federal agencies to end racial sensitivity training and eliminated federal funding to any school districts that included it as part of their curriculum, calling it “divisive, un-American propaganda”
The lives of Elijah Abel, Green Flake, and Jane Elizabeth Manning James highlight a misconception that no prominent black members of the Church of Latter-day Saints ever existed. It also shows us how deeply entrenched the racist ideas of the Church are and why they are so difficult to change.
The core idea of communism has influenced many scholars, philosophers, writers, and intellectuals throughout the twentieth century. From the beginnings of the